Due to the power outage in Americus, ALL USD 251 schools will have a 2 hour delay today, April 20!
Come join the Northern Heights Honor Flight Fundraiser
Sat. May 13th 12PM-5PM
Harry & Lloyds in Americus
This week's Employee Spotlight features our assistant cook Mariah Hammann!
Good luck to the NLC track team at Lyndon.
Field Events- 2:00PM
Running Events- 4:30PM
Live Results Link: https://ks.milesplit.com/meets/533778-lyndon-
Calendar change clarification:
The baseball & softball games vs Mission Valley that were originally scheduled for Thursday, April 20th will now be played in Allen & Admire on Friday, April 21st at 4:00.
Thank you for your patience as we waited on a contractor to help us fix the flag at NHHS!
Today is Teacher Aide and Paraprofessional Appreciation Day!
A big "Thank You" goes out to all our Aides and Paras!
You all are truly amazing and are very much appreciated!
USD 251 has the following coaching/sponsor positions available for the 2023-24 school year. If you are interested in any of the openings, please complete a classified application https://www.usd251.org/page/employment and submit to our district office or email to nuessenn@usd251.org.
NHHS Cheer and Dance
NHHS Asst. Football
NHHS Boys Basketball
NLC Quiz Bowl
This week's Employee Spotlight features our NLC Title I Teacher Jo Dunlap!
The April 2023 monthly newsletter has been posted to our website at https://www.usd251.org/page/monthly-newsletter
I hope you enjoy reading about the exciting things going on at USD 251!!!
Friday 3/31, the Northern Heights Track team will brave the wind as they compete in their first meet of the year.
Field events 10:00 AM
Running events 12:00 PM
Good Luck Wildcats!
Live Results Link: https://ks.milesplit.com/meets/533777-lyndon-spring-relays-2023/info#.ZBsOHuzML0o
Preschool Round-Up coming soon!
Mark your calendars for Monday, April 10th at 6:30 p.m.
TODAY is KINDERGARTEN ROUND-UP at NLC Elementary School at 6:30 p.m.
Children who will be 5 years old on or before August 31, 2023 are invited to attend.
Feel free to reach out to the school if you have any questions.
NLC Elementary School (620)480-2086
Today's Employee Spotlight features our NHHS Secretary Sandy Arens!
Northern Heights recognized the February students of the month. Those nominated by staff members were: Bryer Scales, Addi Hinrichs, Maddie Bauer-Schreiner, Kailyn Schlimme, John Crook (not pictured) and the winner of $10 was Teagan Hines.
Congratulations to these students!
NHHS Honor Flight Trivia Night!
Friday March 24, Allen Senior Center 6-8 pm
Spaghetti Dinner and Prizes
Congratulations to the Northern Heights athletes who were chosen to be recognized as All Flint Hills League:
1st Team- Leo DeDonder (120)
2nd Team- Macie Wells (115)
1st Team: Teagan Hines
Honorable Mention: Kailyn Schlimme & Kolden Ryberg
2022-23 Spring Sports Activity Shuttle.
Please remember that times are fluid as the amount of riders and/or the amount of stops can change daily.
5:20 - Depart NLC - 804 6th St, Americus
5:28 - Depart Gravel Pile - Rd L & Rd 240, Emporia
5:40 - Depart Allen City Stop - 17 E 5th St, Allen
5:42 - Depart Allen Softball Field
5:50 - Depart Admire Baseball Field
5:55 - Depart NHHS - 1208 Hwy 56, Allen
6:00 - Depart Allen City Stop - 17 E 5th St, Allen
6:10 - Depart Admire City Stop - 501 Main St, Allen
6:25 - Depart Reading City Stop - 401 1st St, Reading
6:40 - Depart Gravel Pile - Rd L & Rd 240, Emporia
6:50 - Depart Americus City Stop - 804 6th St, Americus
Mr. Wilson's US History class was very fortunate to have Sylvia Schneider, mother of German exchange student Emilia, stop by and about her time as a young woman growing up in East Germany. It was a unique opportunity to hear Cold War era experiences from such a different perspective. She shared stories of her time growing up in East Germany until the age of 12 when her family was allowed to move to West Germany. She shared the emotions that were felt in 1989 when the wall came down and Germany began the path to unification. She describes that as a young girl her world was all she knew and she remembers communities of people really sharing and working together. She also recognized the many things the "West" had to offer once she was able to experience that. She concluded with thoughts on the current conflict in Eastern Europe and also shared some mindfulness techniques related to her chosen field of work today. We are very appreciative for Miss Schneider taking her time to visit with us and share her experiences and lessons.